
Going to the Suter

On Thursday morning Room 14 walked to the Suter. We went on them14th of May. First we sat on the floor then we did an ‘Eye Spy’ activity. Then we did another activity and we talked about it. We had parents to help us. The exhibition was called ‘Eye Spy’. I thought that we were going to have magnifying glasses but we didn’t. There were pictures with letters beside them and we had to find objects.

After that we had a look at another exhibition, it was about dead animals.


1 comment:

  1. Rachel from Room 9 NCSJune 3, 2009 at 12:33 PM

    What a great recount Toby. My class went to the Suter for that exhibition also. We had fun reading the words under each painting. Making the clues for the rest of the class was fun too.
    Glad you enjoyed it! Keep up your super writing!
